Okay, I've been gone for A WHILE NOW, but I'mmmmm baaaaccckkk! As you may remember my roomie and I moved this summer and believe it or not it has taken all this time for us to really get settled into the place. I'd been promising pictures, and I actually had taken the pictures but it just didn't look right, until now. We'd contemplated buying a new sofa and changing the color scheme but that was way out of budget so we did the ever so budget friendly and quite reliable "accessory update". We've changed out our rug in the living area, bought a new television, and of course decorated for Christmas, and now the place feels like home again!
We've begun decorating our third bedroom/Hue's office space/lounge room and I can't wait to post pictures of it all. I'll have before and afters for you in the next two weeks, until then, I will be providing regular updates...I hope they'll meet you "worth the wait" standards.
S. Earls