Pixelated (above)

Inverted color (above)
Pixelated (above)
Inverted color (above)
I hope you've enjoyed checking out all the doors, they can really be a great way to update and change your space. Often times I talk about less expensive and more interchangeable ways that make a difference but a door is a commitment you'd have to make to your design style because they are too expensive to change out on a regular basis. However, the next time the opportunity knocks for you to make a change, answer it with a beautiful door that's just your style.
When you're looking for a door keep in mind the space that the door is going to encompass...Will these be closet doors? or Will these doors open up to my office or to my outdoors?
Contemporary means simple so don't get carried away with sliding doors everywhere you turn remember to keep this as a special feature in your home. However if your space allows you to use more than one set of sliding doors keep your furniture and accessories to a minimum because you DO NOT want the design to become to busy. By the way there are plenty of gorgeous door options that don't slide you just have to make sure your design elements work together and not against one another.
This is the before and after, we took on several projects on the patio and I'll share them all with you during this week but so far...what do you think?
Here's an ever better view of the above finished picture. (Please excuse the towel and the wine bottle but we were still cleaning and celebrating!)