Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Highlighting Howie Green (and blue, and pink, and yellow, etc.)

While browsing online one night I came across this fabulous site, full of hand painted pop art and infused with culture and color! Needless to say I was blown away and I found myself moving from one painting to the next always assuring myself with each click that I would surely find my favorite...but of course they all ended up being my favorite!

This excellent work I speak of is by none other than artist Howie Green. His artwork has been noted as "An eye candy pop art wonderland, with an accent on fun", and I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. His imagination combined with his perception of art in everyday life, and the strokes of his paintbrush has earned him over 40 awards. Howie has had a long prosperous career creating murals from colleges to restaurants, libraries to museums, all the while he has continued to be fresh and innovative. I urge everyone to check his website and fall in love the way I have.

I had to choose some of his work to highlight so I chose to fuse my love of music with my love of art (not much of a stretch lately) below are some classic album covers that Green has converted into pop art.

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