Chanel over at Hip Candy has tagged me! Now that I've been tagged it's my responsibility to share 7 facts about myself with my readers and tag seven other here goes:
1. I currently work in the accounting opposite of the design dream I'm pursuing.
2. I'm afraid of the dark.
3. I have a mild case of times I have this urge, like if I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other--just to be fair.
4. I LOVE tea, grey tea, green tea, white tea, tea with lemons, tea with peach flavor, rasberry tea, cold tea, hot tea...I think you get my drift LOL.
5. It's been over a year since I've read a book (I'm so ashamed).
6. I've worn something and taken it back to the store...Don't act like I'm the only one--besides it was torn, never mind how it became torn!
7. I'm still so new at this blogging thing that I check my site several times a day just to see if I've had any new viewers (I'm still keeping up with my hit counter)!
Rules are rules, so I have to tag seven bloggers, I don't have time right now but I'll post the seven I've chosen real soon.
Hope you've enjoyed getting to know me!
S. Earls
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Deja vu

When I checked one of my favorite sites this morning ( I saw this post about Nani Marquina's manuscript rug at $3300.00...and I thought this would have been perfect for one of my infamous "Designer, Deal, and Steal" posts. In the previous post I featured a rug from Cb2 that was very similar in style but alot less pricey at $299.00-$499.00. Happy Shopping!
Friday, July 20, 2007
I'd been long searching for a piece of furniture or an accessory that featured words, don't ask why, because honestly I'm not quite sure why.
Maybe because words can be so powerful and I just thought there was someone else out there that had found a way to use the power of words coupled with the freedom of design to make something besides the never-ending T-shirt slogan. Now although this "verse rug" doesn't have legible writing, I think this makes it all the more unique. It could mean whatever you like!
Tufted Dream
I fell head over heels in love with this duvet and shams. I'd initially seen the tufted duvet and matching shams on another website but it was a little too expensive. I was delighted to discover West Elm offered the same look and a very affordable price. The duvet starts at $79.00 and the shams are $19.00 each...GOTTA LOVE IT!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Umbrellas...ella ella
Sunday, July 8, 2007
For those of you who aRE REgular hue REaders I'm sure you've noticed the change with the blog. I'd grown tiREd of the dark background so I decided to fREshen things up a bit! Please bear with me as I make a few changes.

I've been drawn towards very eclectic design lately, you've probably noticed that as well, with some of the posts I've done. I came upon this cool stoRE called RE...wheRE they REpurpose, REcycle, REscue, and REstore items. TheRE weRE some gREat finds and some things that I found just plain pREtty, like the brooms shown below. Check out their site and see what's theRE for you to love.

I thought the way they incorporated their name (RE) into each shopping category was neat, to me it was like finding a piece of themselves in everything that they also REminded me of some hidden message quotes that I'd cREated a couple of months back. I'm still working on what I'll do with them but I'd like to shaRE.

Within each message I capitalized the letter that form the "hidden message" which from top to bottom state..."be content", "got time", and "be honest".
I decided to have a little fun with this post and capitalize the letters "r" and "e" each time I found them combined...this post was fun, I hope you enjoyed it and, as always happy shopping!
Pink Power
Okay, okay, I know I've said that pink is not one of my favorite colors but lately I've seen so many items in various hues of pink that really appeal to me. Last year when it was time to decorate my sister's room ,by the way she's 12, I decided to use the color in combination with brown, and I was very pleased with the outcome (bottom left). Since decorating her room anytime I see decor in these colors I stop, just in case it's something I can add to her room. I featured adult spaces that were in pink a few days ago and here a some other spaces and accessories. Pink actually looks good with plenty other colors and it's such a fun color...girly...but FUN!
What do you think of pink?

Images courtesy of Pottery barn Teen (tables, chairs, rugs, drapes), Wrapables (pillows), and an original design.
What do you think of pink?

Images courtesy of Pottery barn Teen (tables, chairs, rugs, drapes), Wrapables (pillows), and an original design.
Wooden Coasters

These wooden coasters could be a great accent to your space, plus they're functional! Buy your set of 8 here.
Monday, July 2, 2007
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