I've been drawn towards very eclectic design lately, you've probably noticed that as well, with some of the posts I've done. I came upon this cool stoRE called RE...wheRE they REpurpose, REcycle, REscue, and REstore items. TheRE weRE some gREat finds and some things that I found just plain pREtty, like the brooms shown below. Check out their site and see what's theRE for you to love.

I thought the way they incorporated their name (RE) into each shopping category was neat, to me it was like finding a piece of themselves in everything that they sell...it also REminded me of some hidden message quotes that I'd cREated a couple of months back. I'm still working on what I'll do with them but I'd like to shaRE.

Within each message I capitalized the letter that form the "hidden message" which from top to bottom state..."be content", "got time", and "be honest".
I decided to have a little fun with this post and capitalize the letters "r" and "e" each time I found them combined...this post was fun, I hope you enjoyed it and, as always happy shopping!
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