In case you noticed I've been on a mad posting frenzy, trying to get some things up that I wanted to show you before I take a break for the long Memorial Day weekend! I went shopping with my bestfriend on yesterday (who happens to be a huge fan of hue--thanks bestest *muah*) and she's getting ready to redecorate her living space. She always jokes when she sees something expensive that I need to "find the deal and steal" for whatever she's looking for, although these aren't items that she's choosing to buy I thought I'd do a 2 for 1 deal in her honor, so here goes...
Check out these two lamps above which do you think is more expensive? You'll have to click to find out but one of these will cost you $189.00, while the other is far from breaking the bank at a price of $29.88.

These are modern mirror squares that are connected to form one wall accent mirror ,very contemporary, only one set of mirrors retails for $1260.00 while the other is only $98.00. Hmmm, which is which, just click to find out.
What company is a good source for artificial plants for bedroom decor?
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